The primary project seeks to support and serve local primary schools delivering assemblies, RE lessons, after school clubs, wellbeing courses, American mission teams and prayer spaces. The project also works alongside local churches, helping them build positive and long-lasting relationships with their local primary schools.
In Sunderland there are 85 primary schools. According to national Statistics 95% of children are not attending church. We want to give these children the opportunity to hear the message of the Christian faith, get to know local Christians and to consider how the Christian faith may impact their lives.

If you are interested in our team delivering any of these activities in your school please contact Laura at wearsideyfc.schools@gmail.com
If you are a local church and you are interested in making contact with your local school then get in contact with Laura at wearsideyfc.schools@gmail.com
or Andy at wearsideyfc@gmail.com
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