You will need: a pack of cards and spoons (one less than the amount of people playing) This is a great game to get a group competitive...
Doughnut on a String (Mmmm... Doughnuts...)
You will need: doughnuts with holes (e.g. sugar ring doughnuts) and string A very yummy game if you can’t tell by the title. You get the...

Boot and Bottle
You will need: shoes (the young people use their own), and two chairs Two teams are sat opposite each other on the floor, players are...

Drop the Keys (Not the Mic)
You will need: a set of keys, and chairs Each player is randomly sat around the room on a chair. One person is standing without a seat....

Kings, Queens, and Knights
Get your young people into pairs and make two circles (one circle inside of the other). One of the young people stands on the inside...

Have You Ever...?!
You will need: chairs in a circle facing inwards. A fun twist on the "fruit salad" game. Each player sits on chairs with someone stood in...
Murder Ball! (Dramatic, We Know)
You will need: a ball, and space A ball is thrown into the playing space for any player can grab the ball. Once a player has the ball...